Always tugging at my heart!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Acts 17:24-34
“God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him,
though he is not far from any one of us.” (Acts 17:27)

God works behind the scenes, directing circumstances to get our attention.
He does not force us to respond, but neither does He leave us on our own.
It is interesting to me that Paul quotes two pagan philosophers (v.28).
It reminds me of the Magi, how God used their pagan religion to draw them to Jesus.
God is the Creator, and He uses creation to point and draw people to Himself.
Creation is a work of art, that leads people to see the Artist (Romans 1:20)
This gives me hope for people who have not met Jesus yet; God is still working on them.
God does not want anyone to perish, He works all the time to help people find Him.
He is not far from ANYONE, including those who deny that He exists.
He is also using my own life experiences to draw me closer to Him.
Conversations with others, life lessons, opportunities or tragedies…
Every experience has God’s fingerprints on it, to help us sense our need for Him.
Can you sense how God is directing your life, to show you your need for Him?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You that You do not give up on anyone. And thank You for always reminding me to come back when I start to head out on my own. I need You Lord, I want You!

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