Do not shun sinners!

THE STORY OF JESUS: 2 Thessalonians 2-3
“Do not associate with them, in order that they may feel ashamed.” (2 Thessalonians 3:14)
Some Jesus communities through history have practiced shunning.
Someone that does not follow the communities ways are ignored, avoided.
Paul is writing about how to relate with idle, disruptive people.
He suggests that the community not associate with them – is this shunning?
Paul goes on to say that they should not be treated as enemies (3:15).
They are to be treated as brothers, and spoken to in love.
The words ‘not associate’ do not mean shun, ignore or avoid.
It means to have intimate fellowship, to be in close harmony with.
In other words, do not join with them in their idle, disruptive behaviour.
Through it all, keep loving, relating and connecting with them, to win them over.
We are not to shame them, but to overwhelm them with love so as to convict them.
This is how Jesus overcame evil, and how Jesus related to us.
This is how we follow our Lord, and how we overcome evil with Him!
May we be known as a community of love, especially among those who are sinning.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me not to pull away from ‘sinners’, nor to join them in their ways, but to come close enough to them so they can hear and feel Your heart.

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