Praise the Lord with every breath!

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” (Psalm 150:6)
What response will you make to the greatness and goodness of God?
We are all different, and so we will all have different responses.
I am not much of a dancer, but I do play the trumpet, and a pipe (recorder).
But these are just examples, there are many ways to praise the Lord.
With a poem, or a painting, with a song or with a shout.
But even more, we can praise the Lord with all our activities.
With every breath I take, every word I speak, every thought I think.
With every sight I see, every sound I hear, every flavour I taste!
Everything about us is from the Lord, and can be used for the Lord.
The Lord finds joy in our using all His blessings to bless Him and others.
Working with our hands, helping a friend, going for a walk, using a skill.
As I sit here typing on the keyboard, enjoying coffee and music…
I feel the Lord’s pleasure, and offer it all back to Him with gratitude.
Today I want to consciously think about the Lord as I do what I do – praise the Lord!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, every breath I take is from You; may every breath I take be for You. May You be blessed in how I use Your blessings to bless others!

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