a politician like Jesus

SCRIPTURE: Romans 13
“Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” [Matthew 22:21] The religious leaders are trying to trap Jesus into speaking against Rome so that He can be arrested. Jesus’ answer is more than a clever evasion, it is a profound truth. We live in two realities: this world as it is under sinful humanity, and this world as it is under God. These worlds are really one, but because of sinful rebellion, we have separated them. This is why the world is in such a mess.

God’s design was for justice, peace and morality. We know that God established a form of authority in paradise, in the family unit. The original purpose of authority was to nurture, train and equip the next generation in the ways and wonders of living with paradise. Unfortunately, humanity forfeited this experience of paradise, and in their rebellion introduced injustice, conflict and immorality. The leaders God intended to do good become agents of rebellion. Though they still exercise a nurturing, training and equipping role, it is far from perfect and often destructive.

So Paul urges us, in the spirit of God’s kind of love, to reject injustice, conflict and immorality and devote ourselves to renewing the social order. Give respect and honour to our leaders, for that was God’s original design. They deserve obedience in doing what is right (this is Caesar’s due), but not in what is wrong (this is God’s due). God does not call people to revolution or insurrection, but to such a demonstration of godliness and goodness that the rest of the nation marvel at what they see: “Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.” [1 Peter 2:12].

Too often Christians in politics become politicians in the unhealthy sense of that term – using worldly, ungodly techniques and practices, just like the officials they are often opposing. We must be different, not practicing the deeds of darkness but the deeds of light. Being like Jesus (clothed in Jesus’ character and conduct), we respect everyone, stand for truth in a gracious, helpful way, and consider our greatest obligation (or debt) to be showing merciful, sacrificial love to others. Not just being nice or tolerant, but being compassionate and self-denying.

This is Jesus’ kind of politics!

Lord, make me a politician like You, giving to Caesar what he deserves, and giving to God what He deserves!

One Comment

  1. I am reminded here of in the beginning . . . You may eat of all the trees, except his one. You will be happy and live in joy and peace if you listen and do. But . . .

    It is just like a child in a playpen. You may play anywhere you like as long as it is in the playpen. That is the rule for life.

    My rule for LIFE is His Word. I can do all things I desire as long as it is according to His Word. That is freedom. And His Word is summarized by one Word – LOVE. When I live within this boundary I can truly be happy in the Lord. Happiness is . . do this and live – that is what the Master said.

    Help me to live for You always.

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