Am I open to the truth?

THE STORY OF JESUS: John 18:28-40
“Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” (John 18:37)
Pilate is trying to figure out the truth about Jesus.
But when Jesus speaks truthfully, he does not like what he hears.
He may ask “what is truth?” but what he really wants is “what is convenient!”
I know someone who has concluded that there is no God.
This after years of believing, and even experiencing God, by their own admission.
It is no coincidence that this corresponds with a change in lifestyle.
Without belief in God, he is free to live freely, without conscience in the way.
Jesus speaks a challenging truth, unsettling truth that challenges the heart.
Open-minded people feel the truth of Jesus’ words (even Pilate can’t fault Him).
They may not like it, but they sense the rightness of His teachings.
Sadly, people prefer an ‘Barabbas’ life over a humble, healing servant king.
People prefer the ‘free’ life of self rather than the hard truth of Jesus.
Truth does not go away, and eventually even those who deny it will see it.
The truth may not be convenient or comfortable, but it will set us free.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Your truth may not be easy or convenient, but it is liberating and life-changing, for those who accept it. Better a servant to the King than a slave to a fool.

One Comment

  1. The religious leaders wanted to put Jesus to death since He was a threat to their positions, their status among the people they lorded over. Those who were to walk in the truth sided with a lie to have their their own way even aligning themselves with the Roman authority in order to have their own way. They exchange the truth for a lie and even Pilate sided with that lie for he wanted to keep the peace.
    Truth is not found in the masses, but only in the Lord God and by faith we can see and live in that truth. Only by His power am I able to choose to do what is right and just and truth. Help me Lord to choose Jesus in all I do and say.

    All to Jesus I surrender,
    All to Him I freely give;
    I will ever love and trust Him,
    In His presence daily live.
    I surrender all,
    I surrender all.
    All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
    I surrender all.

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