Focusing on God’s power and purpose!

“And my Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.” (Haggai 2:5)
Haggai describes a revival among God’s people.
God has challenged their focus on their own homes and dreams.
Their spirits have been stirred for God’s kingdom agenda.
But the results are disappointing: this temple is nothing like the first one.
God urges them to be encouraged, to stay strong, for He is with them.
Our focus is not a building, we focus on God’s dream for people and the world!
Our call to to reclaim and rebuild peoples’ lives into new lives in Christ.
We are making disciples, not constructing buildings or programs or services!
When we focus on the results, we can get discouraged.
But when we focus on our spiritual potential, we can be encouraged.
Our potential is the reality and possibility of God’s Spirit working through us.
We need a revival in passion for God’s mission, for making disciples!
And we need a revival in confidence in God’s Spirit, whatever the results!
God’s Spirit IS working to make disciples… are we working with Him?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, we need a revival in passion for you mission, and in confidence in Your Spirit. Stir our hearts in love, and strengthen them in faith, whatever the results!

One Comment

  1. What am I building in this life? For my own wishes or for the Lord’s kingdom? Why am I here?
    The earth is the Lord’s and I am His creation to do His work guided and enabled by His Spirit living in me. It is not what my hands have done but what the Lord God has enabled to do through me. He is my Light and I should never feel unable to be His servant for He enables all His children to be His workers in His Kingdom. He will bless His people and enable them for He has chosen us to be His instruments of peace. Just do it.

    Thy grace alone, oh God to me, can pardon speak
    Thy power alone, oh Lamb of God, can this sore bondage break?
    No other work save Thine, no other blood will do
    No strength but that which is divine can bear me safely through

    I praise the God of grace, I trust His truth and might
    He calls me His, I call Him mine, my God, my joy, my light
    My Lord has saved my life and freely pardon gives
    I love because He first loved me, I live because He lives

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