My invisible friend!

THE STORY OF JESUS: John 14:15-24
“The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him.
But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” (John 14:17)

Let’s be honest, God is invisible to us, so is Jesus, so is the Spirit.
Yet so many people claim to ‘see’ God, to ‘know’ Jesus, to ‘feel’ the Spirit.
The key to seeing, knowing and sensing God is love and surrender.
A person with a closed heart and mind will not experience God or Jesus.
Even when Jesus was present physically, closed people rejected Him.
Jesus is no longer physically with us, yet many people still experience Him.
Personally, I live with the Spirit of Jesus everyday.
I can’t explain it, but I do see and know and sense Jesus with me.
He is working on me, and He is working through me.
I’ve still got a long way to go, but I sense His patience and love.
I am surrounded and supported and never alone, never on my own.
Others cannot see or feel what I do, but that does not make it imaginary.
Do you sense the support of Jesus, your invisible yet very real friend?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I cannot explain how I sense You, but I know You are real, I know You are near. Thank You for guiding and helping me to be the person You made me to be!

One Comment

  1. The gospel in one word is love.
    Love is the key.
    No greater love has a man than to lay down his life for a friend.
    And that is what Christ did.
    Love Him.
    Listen to His Voice.
    Serve Him
    The Spirit helps us to grow in the knowledge and love of God.
    The Spirit enables us to hear and understand His Word.
    I need to listen to His Word and believe it.
    My heart needs to be on fire with His love and His Word.

    Verse 1
    Love, love, love, love
    The gospel in a word is love!
    Love your neighbor as your brother
    Love, love, love

    Verse 2
    Joy, joy, joy, joy
    The gospel in a word is joy!
    Joy that fills to overflowing
    Joy, joy, joy

    Verse 3
    Peace, peace, peace, peace
    The gospel in a word is peace!
    Peace that passes understanding
    Peace, peace, peace

    Verse 4
    Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ
    The gospel in a word is Christ!
    Love Him, serve Him, and adore Him
    Christ, Christ, Christ

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