God’s glory through me!

“This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” (John 9:3)
Jesus says there is a reason for this disability, but its not someone’s sin.
Sin is the ultimate cause of suffering in this broken, messed up world.
But God isn’t punishing this man with blindness, He’s using him for glory!
God uses this man to reveal the glory of the Messiah – this was his mission.
God uses and directs all our circumstances to bring us back to God.
He uses our struggles and suffering to help others, to save others.
If I knew my life exactly as it is would save someone, would it be worth it?
Like soldiers in an army, our challenges are for a greater purpose.
Some are on the front lines, some at headquarters – all serve a purpose.
“As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me.” (John 9:4)
We are the agents of God’s salvation; He uses us to bless and save the world.
But am I a willing partner, seeing my life as an assignment to glorify God?
Who does God want to help, to bless, to save… through my life?
How can I turn my struggle into an opportunity to display God’s glory?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, my life as it is has the potential to save and bless many. Help me to join You in Your work by using my life to display Your glory and goodness!

One Comment

  1. How do I live my life that the works of God might be displayed?
    I need to live for Jesus each and every day. In the good times and in the ‘bad’ times. All my times are in His hand and all my times must be lived in His SonShine. Others need to see Christ Jesus living in me. I need to be a living epistle, being read by all those around me. Help me Lord each day anew to let Your Light shine. Help me to radiant that light to those around me.

    Lord, the light of your love is shining
    In the midst of the darkness, shining
    Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us
    Set us free by the truth you now bring us
    Shine on me, shine on me

    Shine, Jesus, shine
    Fill this land with the Father’s glory
    Blaze, Spirit, blaze
    Set our hearts on fire
    Flow, river, flow
    Flood the nations with grace and mercy
    Send forth your word
    Lord, and let there be light

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