Waiting for the Lord’s reward!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Psalm 119:73-96
“How long must your servant wait?” (Psalm 119:84)
Trusting in and obeying the Lord does not make like easier.
We find ourselves fighting against the current, against the wind.
We commit to doing the right thing, and then the situation worsens.
Telling the truth at work can make things better… or worse.
Loving an enemy may please God, but it will likely upset others.
Some decide to give up on God’s way, and try the easier way.
The psalmist is devoted to God’s wisdom, confident that it is the better way.
But now he is waiting, and wondering how long before it actually gets better.
“My soul faints with longing for your salvation.”(Psalm 119:81)
If you are a Jesus follower, you may have wondered ‘is it worth it?’
In these moments, I try to remind myself where the other way leads.
Doing good promises a good reward; what does selfish living promise?
Jesus speaks of those who gain the world, but lose their souls.
Am I pursuing short term pleasure, or long term gain?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, following Your wisdom seems right, but it doesn’t always feel good. Help me to stay focused on where each path leads. Help me to see that You and Your wisdom are worth the wait.

One Comment

  1. God is my Refuge and Strength.
    His Word is eternal.
    I am not.
    I need to obey His commands at all times
    and when I put my small hand into His large hand
    when trials and struggles and diseases and persecutions and sin confront me
    I have His comfort.
    True comfort
    because my God is faithful and His faithfulness endures forevermore.

    Put your hand in the hand of the man
    Who stilled the water
    Put your hand in the hand of the man
    Who calmed the sea
    Take a look at yourself
    And you can look at others differently
    Put your hand in the hand of the man
    From Galilee

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