The Jesus we love to obey!

“Neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin.” (John 8:11)
Unfortunately, this story is not for sure a true story.
The earliest and the best Greek manuscripts do not include it.
I say unfortunately because it captures beautifully the spirit of Jesus.
He is gracious with the sinful woman, and firm with the religious leaders.
We see Jesus overruling the law with grace.
Jesus does not ignore her sin, but neither does He condemn her.
Whether or not this event happened, there is something powerful for us.
The early believers loved this Jesus: for sinners and against religious hypocrisy.
This is what made Jesus both so appealing, and problematic, for the Jews.
It is also what draws people to Jesus today.
People still quote these words (‘cast the first stone’) to avoid condemnation.
People are less likely to quote Jesus’ other words (‘go and sin no more’).
Taken together, this whole story shows us the Jesus we love, the Jesus we need.
He looks at us and says “Neither do I condemn you. Go and leave your life of sin.”
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for not condemning me. Your graciousness makes me want to stop the sins that I know I need top stop.

One Comment

  1. Jesus and the sinner – who is without sin, let him be the first to cast the stone.
    None were.
    The religious leaders were ready to condemn.
    Jesus was ready to forgive.
    The sinner needs to make a choice – serve Him or stay in the same path. Our/my direction must be to serve Him.
    Turn back to God and praise Him for His grace and mercy and forgiveness.

    I’m forgiven
    Now I have a reason for living
    Jesus keeps giving and giving
    Giving till my heart overflows
    Now, I’m forgiven
    Now I have a reason for living (livin’)
    Jesus keeps giving and giving
    Givin’ till my heart overflows
    I’m forgiven!

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