The blindness of certainty!

THE STORY OF JESUS: John 7:45-53
“This mob that knows nothing of the law — there is a curse on them.” (John 7:49)
Is it possible that we as religious people become blind in our faith?
These religious leaders were so sure of themselves.
They belittled Jesus’ followers – no one who knew the Law was listening to Him.
It was just ignorant sinners, under God’s curse, who didn’t ‘know’ like them.
I have heard christians talk this way about others, and it is unsettling.
We’re so sure of our systems of faith and theology, everyone else is ignorant.
The blindness of these religious leaders is a huge warning to us.
Be careful not to be so sure of yourself, that not even God can change your mind.
I have lost my confidence in my reformed understanding of the faith.
Its not that I reject it, but I no longer see it as absolutely certain.
I hold my beliefs lightly, always ready to be corrected by God.
My certainty is in the fact that I am a sinner, and that I need Jesus.
My only comfort is that He loves and saves me by grace, and I belong to Him!
May I never become so blind as to assume that I am right… my only hope is Jesus!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, protect me from the blindness of certainty, keep me centered in the confidence of faith in You!

One Comment

  1. The religious leaders were closed minded – set in their own religious practices. Blinded by the Truth. Tradition. Man made rules and regulations. Their own way of the rites of worship rather than being open to the leading of the Spirit. They lead the people astray.
    Values/beliefs have changed over time within the church. One thing remains. My Saviour is Jesus. He is my Redeemer King and He continue to lead and guide me by His Spirit. It is by His Word I live each day and am enabled to live for Jesus.

    Spirit of the living God,
    Fall afresh on me.
    Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.
    Spirit of the living God,
    Fall afresh on me.

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