Finding courage in Jesus!

“Before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven.” (Daniel 7:13)
These words were inspired and recorded to help the Jews in captivity.
Through Daniel, the people are urged to repent, and to hope in God.
Life will not be easy, many kingdoms will arise and bring hardship.
But the Ancient of Days remains on the throne, no matter what.
Your crisis, suffering and death cannot separate You from God.
God will one day raise up an anointed human (like a son of man).
He will come backed with heavenly authority, He will reclaim the throne.
He will restore the temple, the kingdom, and the people of God!
We are not in captivity, but in a sense we are exiles in a godless world.
Kings and kingdoms rise and fall, but God’s kingdom seems beyond us.
The innocent suffer and die, while injustice and immorality thrive.
But ‘the Son of Man’ will come again… for He has already come.
And He – Jesus – will make all things good and right, for us and for the world!
Be encouraged: “His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” (Daniel 7:14)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I keep reminding myself that evil will lose, and You will win… and we will overcome with You. May this message give me renewed courage for working with You for God’s kingdom!

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