prayer walking

walkingToday I went prayer walking in the Falby Court area.
This is the area that we are looking to relocate our services at Crossroads.
Its south of the 401, Harwood and Bayly.
At first it was nothing deep or profound… until I asked the Spirit to pray through me [Romans 8:26].
I really had no clear thoughts about what to pray for.
So I asked the Spirit to pray for me.
And what came from that was the Names of Christ.
I prayed the Names of Jesus over the apartments, the school, the vehicles, as well as the people that I saw.
That was cool, it left me with a deeper sense of how this community needs Jesus, and the ways that they need Jesus.
And also me, a deeper sense of how I need Jesus!!!
Care to join me in prayer walking?


  1. Ideally, every step we take each day should be a prayer walk – after all Jesus is with us each and every step of the way and wouldn’t He desire that?

    I have found on the days when I have set out purposefully to pray for every person/ situation / building (house, store whatever) that God allows me to meet up with or pass – He has never failed to do something that transforms my prayer life.

  2. Prayer walking is great.
    Also, pray for the people where ever you are; lineups, waiting rooms, concerts, pray for all the people you see. God might give you specific things, otherwise just pray for them to come into relationship with Him.

  3. I find prayer walking is an excellent way for me to identify Christ and my community.

    I would love to join you prayer walking but I think I am bound to North Durham for now!

    Thanks, we are walking together in Spirit then, ok?

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