responding like Jesus

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 20
How do we handle criticism, opposition, disagreement? How we respond can help or hinder our testimony to Jesus. Anger, revenge, bitterness are not healthy responses to opposition. Jesus teaches, “But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” [Luke 6:27-28].

Moses’ response to the grumbling of Israel is anger. On the one hand we can say it is understandable; but when in rage he yells at them and violently strikes the rock in God’s Name, he actually dishonours the God He is seeking to honour. The same is true for us; when we respond in a worldly, angry way to criticism, opposition or disagreement, we are actually dishonouring the Lord. In Moses and Aaron’s case, they lost his right to enter the promised land (though not His eternal acceptance with God). What do we lose? We can lose our credibility, or the successful reception of our testimony. We may turn people away from the Jesus we are claiming to defend!

Compare this to how Israel responds to Edom’s refusal to let Israel pass through the land. They do not defy or fight them, they take another route. Even though Edom is a “brother” nation (their roots go back to Esau, Jacob’s brother), the people do not claim their right, or demand justice; instead they turn away, or turn the other cheek as it were.

We are followers of the Prince of Peace. His way is our way, the way of undeserved grace and compassion. Even though we may be unjustly treated, even though we may have ‘rights’, the way of Jesus is the way of humility, compassion, grace, love. Even though anger and revenge might be the “natural” response to injustice, it is not the Jesus response.

This does not mean that we become doormats. We may continue to state the truth, we may point out the injustice, but we will not do so with anger or a vengeful spirit. With His help we will love our opponents, we will pray for them, we will bless them, we will do good to them. In this way we can win them over with God’s love.

Lord, this kind of humility and grace is hard. I know how anger and vengeance can stir in me. Strengthen me in Your love and grace and peace.

One Comment

  1. Moses and Aaron were mediators for the people – the go between the people and God. Time and time again the people complained, but the complaints were really against the Lord and not His appointed leaders. Yet Moses and Aaron took the people’s complaints personally and responded in their way and not God’s way. This was not the first time the people complained. But as leaders, set apart for service, they needed to fulfill their task as God commanded and not insist upon their own way. They were not in control. God was and is. God’s Way is the only Way.

    How do I respond to complaints or criticism? Does God’s Spirit guide the way that I should go always? I start the day with the Lord and then what? In the decisions made throughout the day, how present is Christ in the decisons I make? Whose school is this where I serve? Who must be honoured at all times?

    It is Christ Jesus I am serving. Mission and vision in every decision. And as Aaron gracefully accepted the end of His ministry, seeing the next generation willingly take over, so I too need God’s hand telling me that my days are numbered and He will supply the needs of my ministry – not my ministry but His ministry working through me at this time and tomorrow . . .

    O let me hear thee speaking
    In accents clear and still,
    Above the storms of passion,
    The murmurs of self-will;
    O speak to reassure me,
    To hasten or control;
    O speak, and make me listen,
    Thou guardian of my soul.

    O Jesus, thou hast promised
    To all who follow thee,
    That where thou art in glory
    There shall thy servant be;
    And, Jesus, I have promised
    To serve thee to the end:
    O give me grace to follow,
    My Master and my friend.

    O let me see thy foot-marks,
    And in them plant mine own;
    My hope to follow duly
    Is in thy strength alone:
    O guide me, call me, draw me,
    Uphold me to the end;
    And then in heaven receive me,
    My Saviour and my friend.

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