“Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthless.” (Psalm 108:12-13)
The enemies we face today are very different from what David faced.
But we face battles and enemies that are just as real, just as serious.
Behind our troubles and conflicts there is the greatest enemy of all.
Whether we know it or not, we battle “spiritual forces of evil.” (Ephesians 6:12)
I experience this battle often – in my life, and in those around me.
All around me people under emotional, spiritual, relational attack, physical attack.
So many lives are struggling, falling apart; so many are despairing and giving up.
And I face my own demons of selfishness, discouragement and defeat.
Like David, I need to trust in God for aid against the enemy.
“With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies.” (Psalm 108:12-13)
I have learned that “human help is worthless” without God’s support.
I am rediscovering the necessity and urgency of battle prayer.
The problems in our world are too big for me, but not for God!
Are you aware of the battle around you, and are you relying on God’s help?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, people I love are under attack – despairing, giving up, thinking they’re better off dead. And I am fighting the demon of discouragement. Help us to refuse Satan’s lies, and keep fighting with Your help!