hungry for Jesus

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 11
This is not the first time the people have grumbled, but now the Lord punishes them. Harsh, or finally saying ‘enough!’ Up until this point the Lord has provided for all their needs – though not their wants. No doubt about it, this was not a pleasure cruise (have you seen the food on those boats?). This is an exodus, a journey through a wilderness to a place prepared, flowing with milk and honey. But instead of looking forward, the people look back, and dream about how good it was in Egypt (???).

What we want and what we need are very different. We need radical soul surgery, we want soothing pleasure pampering. Forget our daily bread, we want more, and we want it now. If only we had a better job, a bigger home, a fuller fridge, a nice cottage, more money, more clothes, more friends, more gadgets, etc. No matter what we have, we can always imagine more that we “need” (read “want”). Try visiting Cuba or Haiti or Juarez, Mexico and compare what we “need” to what they have. And often they are happier.

What we really need is our self-focussed hearts transformed. We need hearts that are content, confident in the Lord’s provision and protection. We need giving, not “gimme” hearts, and that only comes through Jesus. “I am the bread of life. Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which a man may eat and not die.” [John 6:48-50] The reason they died is because they refused to be satisfied. They refused to trust the Lord. They refused to appreciate all that He had done for them and given them, and only saw what they didn’t have.

If the Lord were to send fire or a plague on His followers who were discontented and grumbling, how many of us would die? Have we become so absorbed in what we “need” that we fail to see or appreciate all that we have in Jesus? It’s an old song with an important message: ‘Count your many blessings, name them one by one, count your many blessings see what God has done!’ Try it.

Lord, I am lacking nothing. I have more than I need. Yet how unsatisfied, or distracted by things I can be. Help me to be content in You!


  1. I have a question:

    Why were they grumbling about not having meat when they were required to have the herds for sacrifice and offerings? Did they use up all their herds on the dedication of the Tent of Meeting?

    If not, did they have to reserve their herds for sacrifice/offering and not share in the food?

    This would be a very hard testing … seeing the Levites eat the meat from the herds you raised and you and your family exist on manna alone … this is hard …

  2. Jill, thanks for sharing this. It means so much hearing this from you, with your dietary restrictions, when I can eat what I want, when I want – and more often that I should. To say that I am content in the Lord, that I have all I need in Him, is easy when I have so much else as well. I pray that I can learn contentment, joy and peace like you are showing in your comment, when the time comes. I know, its all to His credit! If not for Him, for His help… Thanks!!!

  3. I have a restricted diet but still good variety. Sometimes I get cranky at evening events because no matter what is served I cannot eat anything in the evening.
    I was thinking about how boring it would be to eat manna every day, day after day. Yet I thought how could the Israelites complain after what God had done for them, but I complain -and I have so many more choices.

    I realized that sometimes I think, why do I have to have all these physical issues when I am doing so much for You God? I know You enable me to do the ministry You have given me to do. It is You who works through me. I am thankful to be part of Your work. I rejoice in what You are doing in people’s lives and that I get to see it!
    But it is hard work!
    Do I have to have these physical problems too?!
    I am sorry God. I confess that I am not accepting what You permit. It is up to You what You allow in my life. I am sorry for complaining and being cranky, especially about food. I am sorry that I was feeling sorry for myself. Please forgive me. I am thankful that there are lots of things I can eat. -that if I follow the restrictions I do feel better.
    Thank-You too God for the many ways that You use to teach me and draw me to Yourself. I love You Amen.

  4. When it comes to things/possessions, we always look at those who have more, never those who have less. We also remember the good times, but when we revisit those days and/or places, it just isn’t the same. God had provided all the needs of the Israelites, yet they complained. Wish we were back home – where they paid heavily for their daily bread. Here in the wilderness it was freely given. Oh that I have eyes that I might see Jesus. Open my eyes Lord that I may see how daily You are my Provider and that You have given all what I need to be happy in You – Jesus – my Lord and Saviour.

    Moses lead the people – and that was tough and a burden at times because when they grumbled he took it personally. And so the Lord told him to pick 70 elders and God’s Spirit came upon them and they too helped Moses in his leadership. Yet Moses did have all that he need but did not see rightly. May all of God’s people have His Spirit so they may live rightly, contently, justly, joyfully in His presence.

    Thank You Lord for equipping me for Kingdom service. You have given all that I need.

    All that I am I owe to Thee,
    Thy wisdom, Lord, has fashioned me;
    I give my Maker thankful praise,
    Whose wondrous works my soul amaze.
    Ere into being I was brought,
    Thine eye did see, and in Thy thought
    My life in all its perfect plan
    Was ordered ere my days began.

    Thy thoughts, O God, how manifold,
    More precious unto me than gold!
    I muse on their infinity,
    Awaking I am still with Thee.

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