The signs of (kingdom) summer!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 21:29-33
“When you see these things, you know that the kingdom of God is near.” (Luke 21:31)
I always enjoy seeing the leaves budding on the trees.
A sure sign that spring has come, and summer is on the way.
(In Canada, spring and summer is what I look forward too).
Jesus describes this anticipation, announced by the budding fig tree.
When we see trouble in the world, when we see nations in anguish and perplexity…
We know that God has restored Adam (Jesus) to the throne!
We know that God is restoring justice and mercy and peace and love!
We know that God is unraveling the power of Satan, sin, death and hell!
God is at work in the world through Jesus and His followers to set things right!
The creation itself knows it, and groans in anticipation (Romans 8:19-22).
The darkness fights with fury, because it knows its time is short (Revelation 12:12).
And we persevere, eager for the kingdom summer that follows kingdom spring!
So as we see the turmoil and groaning of life in this messed up world…
“Stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:28)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Satan wants us to see global turmoil and give up in despair. You are telling us these are the signs of Your kingdom coming, to look up in hope! I choose to listen to you rather than Satan!

One Comment

  1. Looking outside I see sure signs of spring.
    The greenery on the trees and the fields make me desire the warmer weather and the summer activities. Things I hope to do. I am reading the signs of spring and summer.
    But I also need to read the sign of the times – looking at what it happenings in the world today – the floodings, the wars, nation against nation, corruption, broken homes, Christians being persecuted, and more. All this must happen before He comes again restoring His kingdom. And as I long for summertime so too I need to long for the restoration of His rule. His Word will come to pass. I need open eyes to see His presence at work at all times. I am standing each day on the promises of God.
    Seek ye first the kingdom of God
    And His righteousness;
    And all these things shall be added unto you.
    Hallelu, Hallelujah!
    Ask, and it shall be given unto you;
    Seek, and you shall find.
    Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
    Hallelu, Hallelujah!
    Man shall not live by bread alone,
    But by every word
    That proceeds out from the mouth of God.
    Hallelu, Hallelujah!

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