Still do not know…

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 18:31-34
“They did not know what he was talking about.” (Luke 18:34)
The Jews understood that a messiah was coming.
They did not comprehend that their messiah would die.
They expected victory, not defeat; a crown, not a cross.
Even after several years with Jesus, the disciples still did not understand.
I am comforted by their ignorance (from Latin, to not know), but also humbled.
Do I think that I understand any better why Jesus had to die?
I am reading a book that is showing me new depths of meaning to Jesus’ dying.
This is not the place to explain it, but it reminds me to stay humble.
I’m certain we still do not know what He is talking about.
Jesus does not reject His disciples for their ignorance, He keeps teaching them.
As long as they are willing to listen and learn, eventually they will learn more.
The same applies for us: we should not retreat to our present ideas and stay closed.
I will continue to read this book prayerfully, open to learning more.
A disciple (student) never knows it all, and must keep on learning to the very end.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for stretching my mind and inviting me to look further into the mysteries that I will never be able to fully figure out.

One Comment

  1. Disciples are followers.
    And Jesus told His disciples – the twelve – that He was to die – for the third time. Although hearing they did not understand, yet they kept following their Master.
    Being a follower of Jesus, there are also many Biblical things/thoughts/ideas which I also do not understand nor comprehend. Yet I continue to follow Him and one day my eyes will see. Until then I continue to see through a glass darkly as I walk in His SonShine learning more each day to be more like Jesus through the reading His Word, asking for His Spirit to lead and guide me along the way as I continue to grow in Him.

    Lead me, guide me along the way,
    For if you lead me I cannot stray.
    Lord, let me walk each day with Thee.
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

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