don’t wait for the lie detector

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 5
One day there will be a time for judgment. One day our impure hearts will be exposed, we will have to give an account for our wrongs, and we will be forced to face the consequences of our actions. What the Lord speaks to Moses about in this historical context, is an anticipation of the day when we will stand before the judge and face the music.

Jesus said, the good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. [Matthew 12:35-36] What comes out of us in what is in us; everything, even our words, reveals our heart. And when we stand before the Judge, it will all be revealed for what it is.

The Lord is describing an ancient ‘lie detector’ test. The suspect (in this case a woman suspected of adultery, without proof) stands before the priest and will state her innocence before the Lord. If she is innocent, she need not fear. But if she is guilty, then her own conscience and fear will cause her bitter suffering. Like swearing on a bible, this oath is intended to expose the heart, the good or evil stored within.

There’s no sense in hiding from the truth. In fact, the truth will set us free. Deception, denial will only make things worse. The best thing we can do is fall on our knees and sincerely plead for mercy!

The final judgment will not be arbitrarily imposed on us, it will fit the crime! In fact, hell (bitter suffering) is the natural consequence of sin. We taste it here in part (the guilt and suffering that results from committing a crime), but the final judgment will be the full experience of the ugliness of our sin. I believe that hell will involve experiencing fully the horror of our sin against God and others. Hitler did not face the horror of his guilt fully until he came to stand before Jesus.

Repentance involves facing it now. Not just saying sorry, its admitting the ugliness of my deception, cruel, selfish, judgmental, greedy, lusting heart. Its standing before the judge NOW and not hiding anything, but coming clean. Admitting the impurity, admitting the wrong, admitting the unfaithfulness. Don’t wait until the final day, do it now! If you do, the Lord promises mercy!

Lord, I have tasted in small ways the ugliness of my sin. Help me to feel it more, that I may deeply repent, hate the sin, and strive for what is good!


  1. Hi Chet, thanks for sharing this. Its not an easy question, and one that must weigh heavy on your heart. Let me pray about this before I respond. I am also praying that the Lord speaks gently and clearly to you about His way, the best way, forward for you – whatever that might be.

  2. I committed a serious crime over 30 years ago and was aressted for it. I lied and got out of it. After i became a Christian I asked god to forgive me but I never told anyone else the truth about what i had done because it would destroy amny people in my family. Am I truly forgiven or must I also confess to my family .

  3. Great question Jenn. A few thoughts.
    1)The bible says both, that we are completely forgiven, and that we will have to give an account. I assume the answer is both.
    2) Here’s a guess. When we stand before the Lord, all our sins, including the sin we didn’t even know about, will flash before us. We will be overwhelmed as the books are opened.
    3) At that moment, those who in this life were honest, humble, repentant and aware of their need for mercy, will do then what they always did, reach out to Jesus for mercy. And He will take them by the hand, and they will be released, forgiven, welcomed.
    4) But those who denied sin, who delighted in sin, who resisted and opposed God in this life, will do what they always did, reject Jesus and refuse Him and His mercy. They will stand alone before God with all their sins (which they will deny, excuse or blame others for), and they will receive what they always wanted – eternity without God.
    5) Yes, we are truly forgiven now! On that day, we will see the full extent of our sin (much more than we realize), and realize how amazing God’s mercy is. The only thing more overwhelming than our awareness of our sin, will be our wonder at His love. That’s when we will sing Amazing Grace like we’ve never sung before!

    Hope that helps. Feel free to ask a follow up, or for clarification.

  4. This is not a comment, but a question… Given what you said Norm and Romans 14:12 says that each of us will have to give a personal account to God yet we read that as far as the east is from the west so far has he removed our sins from us. If we confess and truly repent in our hearts, are we not forgiven? Will we still have to give an account to God for those actions/sins we have repented of? If we have unconfessed sin, yet are saved, will we not still receive mercy?

  5. The Lord lived among His people, therefore the camp must be holy – be clean. God still dwells among His people today and we too must be clean, serving Him always for our God is a jealous God.

    God also searches out the heart. He knows all and nothing can be hid from Him. It will be made known. Our secret sins will be found out in this life or the next. Now is the time to ask for forgiveness and live wholely to the Lord. Even the sins in secret affect our daily lives today. Purify yourself through the blood of Christ and come clean before the day comes and there is no turning back. The door will be closed forever. Live today in His presence and tomorrow and all the tomorrows after that.

    Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heart,
    Draw me, my Savior—so precious Thou art!
    Fold me, oh, fold me close to Thy breast.
    Shelter me safe in that “Haven of Rest;”
    Shelter me safe in that “Haven of Rest.”

    Nearer, still nearer, nothing I bring,
    Naught as an offr’ing to Jesus, my King;
    Only my sinful, now contrite heart.
    Grant me the cleansing Thy blood doth impart.
    Grant me the cleansing Thy blood doth impart.

    Nearer, still nearer, while life shall last.
    Till safe in glory my anchor is cast;
    Through endless ages ever to be
    Nearer, my Savior, still nearer to Thee;
    Nearer, my Savior, still nearer to Thee!

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