To actually see God’s glory!

“The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all peoples see his glory.” (Psalm 97:6)
If we look upwards, we see (with limited sight) a vast universe.
The depth and mystery of the ‘heavens’ reveal something awesome and glorious.
I’ve always been struck when experts say that the universe is expanding.
My response is always, ‘expanding into what… the outer-verse’?
All people see God’s glory, whether they realize it or not.
Whether we look into a microscope or a telescope, we are peering into glory.
Science has helped us discover the deep mysteries and wonders of God’s creation.
But unfortunately we have dissected the mystery and wonder out of it all.
We may understand a frog better after dissecting it, but the frog is dead.
We no longer see the glory around us, we no long experience the divine wonder.
We say ‘the universe is expanding’, but don’t feel the God-ness of that statement.
The earth ought to be glad, the distant shores ought to rejoice – God is great!
God is not dead, but mystery, wonder and faith are, and we’re the poorer for it.
Take a moment to look up ‘into’ the heavens, and experience His glory!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, the essence of worship is seeing and saying ‘WOW!’ Help us not walk past your glory today, but to pause and praise You for the wonder of what we do (and don’t) see!

One Comment

  1. LightShine.
    The joy of the Lord God is my strength.
    Therefore I may enjoy each day in joy when I walk in His Light.
    Praise Him.
    See His presence in the storms, the rains, the majestic hills, the starry skies, the signs of spring, the singing of the birds, the warmth of the dun on my face, . . .
    My God is everywhere
    And I need my eyes opened to see His glory.
    Open my eyes Lord.

    In the stars His handiwork I see,
    On the wind He speaks with majesty,
    Though He ruleth over land and sea,
    What is that to me?
    I will celebrate Nativity,
    For it has a place in history,
    Sure, He came to set His people free,
    What is that to me?

    Till by faith I met Him face to face,
    and I felt the wonder of His grace,
    Then I knew that He was more than just a
    God who didn’t care,
    That lived a way out there and

    Now He walks beside me day by day,
    Ever watching o’er me lest I stray,
    Helping me to find that narrow way,
    He’s Everything to me.

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