warfare prayer!

In this Psalm, David talks about very real, flesh and blood enemies. Boastful, arrogant, cruel, deceptive, heartless and godless. And successful to boot. They defy and disregard God, and laugh about it. They experience no consequences, nor do they expect them. I do not have these kinds of enemies. I am not troubled or attacked by these kinds of people. But though I have no enemies, I do have an Enemy. And he is very real, very nasty, and determined to mess me up. As I read Psalm 10, this is the Enemy I think about.

Jesus faced this enemy too. The devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour. ‘All this I will give you,’ he said, ‘if you will bow down and worship me.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Away from me, Satan! For it is written: Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’ Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him. [Matthew 4:8-11]. Here we have the Enemy behind all enemies, boasting about his success (all the kingdoms and their splendour), enticing Jesus to despair of God and trust in him. In his heart there is no room for God, because he is so full of himself. Boastful, arrogant, cruel, treacherous. His desire is to mess everyone up, forever.

Though David spends a lot of time thinking about his enemy, the point of this psalm is to refuse the enemies boasting and taunting, and remind himself that no matter what, God is still God, He alone is to be worshipped. With Jesus we say, ‘shut up Satan, get lost, away from me!’ With David we say, ‘rise up God, and show Satan Your boot!’ With confidence we say that the Lord is in charge; with conviction we pray that the Lord would show His power. Defeat the Enemy, and his many puppet servants. Bring down the arrogant and cruel, and lift up the weak, the helpless, the defeated. Strengthen Your servants, break the arm of the Enemy!

Our Enemy is always looking for ways to distract, discourage and defeat us. We need to engage in warfare prayer, as David does in the psalm, as Jesus does in the wilderness. When we do, our strength will be renewed, and God’s angels will come and care for us. As a Jesus-follower, I choose to go into battle, into the wilderness today, armed for spiritual warfare. I will not surrender to Satan’s lies. Away from me, Satan. Rise up Lord!

Lord, You are King forever and ever. You listen to the cry of the afflicted. I commit myself to You, helper of the helpless!

One Comment

  1. When I look around me, how often do I see the wicked prosper. They seem to gather the wealth unto themselves. Yet, my wealth, my riches come from the Lord and knowing Him is my All in all. In Him I am rich.

    Once again I am reminded that the tongue is such a powerful weapon. What we hear effects us greatly – the curses, the lies, the threats – they all intimidate us. Yet I must be intune what God says to me, says to the members of His family – that He is God, my Father, and will take care of me. He hears my prayers and will encourage me on my way – His Way. He who is of the earth has no lasting power, because God is God.

    Help me this day to put You first. Help me to be in tune with You, listening to Your voice saying, This is the way, walk in it. Thank You Lord for the Comforter along the way.

    O Jesus, I have promised
    To serve thee to the end;
    Be thou for ever near me,
    My Master and my Friend:
    I shall not fear the battle
    If thou art by my side,
    Nor wander from the pathway
    If thou wilt be my guide.

    O let me feel thee near me:
    The world is ever near;
    I see the sights that dazzle,
    The tempting sounds I hear;
    My foes are ever near me,
    Around me and within;
    But, Jesus, draw thou nearer,
    And shield my soul from sin.

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