Prayer as a way of life!

“One of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray…” (Luke 11:1)
It seems surprising to me that Jesus hasn’t taught them to pray yet.
Or was Jesus teaching them, but the disciples were not hearing it?
“One day Jesus was praying in a certain place…” (Luke 11:1)
Jesus was teaching by example, by modeling the disciples life.
How He related to God as Father and honoured God’s Name in public.
How He pursued God’s kingdom and will while relating to sinners.
How He trusted God for daily bread, and forgave those who wronged Him.
How He daily relied on God for help against temptation.
Prayer was not a separate activity for Jesus, it was how He lived.
Sometimes He went apart to pray, other times He prayed while He worked.
Sometimes He prayed out loud, sometimes He prayed in His heart.
In a sense, He was always bowed before God whether He ‘prayed’ or not.
Prayer is more of a relationship than a way of speaking to God.
Jesus invites you to be and talk with Him whatever you are doing.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, teach me to pray in Your way… a relationship with God that can involve words or silence, being still or being active.

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