Working the Lord!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 10:38-42
“Mary has chosen what is better, it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42)
Martha isn’t punished for what she chose, but her choice is punishing her.
Her problem was not her hard work, but who she was doing it for.
Her focus is on herself, her work and her hardship, and it is upsetting her.
The lesson here is not to drop what we are doing and pray.
It is to DO what we do as a prayer, for the Lord, with our focus on Him.
“Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)
If we choose to do something sinful, we cannot do it for the glory of God.
But if we choose something good, it can be made an act of devotion to Him.
Using our hands or gifts to bless others, working hard to help someone.
Cleaning, repairing, working, eating, all these can be done for Him.
The Lord is asking you today, ‘Will you choose what is better?’
‘Will you offer whatever you do to Me, and do it with love and joy?’
Maybe you are feeling worried and upset about many things.
Is this an indication that your focus is not where it should be?
Do what you do with Him, like Him and for Him, and you will be blessed!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, my focus shifts back and forth from me to You and back to me. I can relate to Martha, but I want to relate to Mary. Remind me through the day to keep my focus on You!

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