Extending the peace of Jesus

“When you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’” (Luke 10:5)
What is the first thing we say or do when we witness to others?
We are first and foremost agents of love, joy and peace.
Without even know who we are speaking to, we bring them peace.
We don’t set ourselves against them, we stand with them in peace.
Consider how Jesus approached sinners… He stood with them in peace.
He was not denying sin; in fact He knew how bad sin really was.
He knew without God’s help they could attain peace themselves.
Grace extends the hand of peace before we know if they deserve it.
They don’t, and neither do we!
There is many, many people out there still desperate for this kind of peace.
Jesus is still sending us out into a world of evil to bring His peace.
But notice, He sends us out to “where He was about to go!” (v.1)
Our job is to not change or criticize people… just open the door for Jesus.
Bless someone with love, joy or peace today, then wait for Jesus to show up!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to trust that when I bring Your peace, You follow up with Your power to impact the heart. Help me to see – and bless – the person You want to work in today!

One Comment

  1. Being appointed for service then and now.
    Word and deed ministry then and now.
    As His followers working in His kingdom to serve others.
    Keeping our eyes on Jesus while we work for Him.
    Freely give.
    Depend fully on His power to supply all of my need.
    Help me daily Lord to be a living letter – an epistle – an example for all those around me of the joy we/I have in Christ Jesus.

    Keep me shining, Lord,
    Keep me shining, Lord,
    In all I say and do;
    That the world may see
    Christ lives in me,
    And learn to love Him too.

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