A common hope!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Ecclesiastes 9-10
“All share a common destiny – the righteous and the wicked…” (Ecclesiastes 9:2)
From a human point of view, this is all that we can see.
This is what atheistic materialism also says: we live, we die, deal with it
Though interestly they still believe in justice, at least for this life.
But without God there can be no justice, no standard for right and wrong.
Once again we see what happens to life when God is excluded.
The curse of death not only affects us physically, but in many ways.
The death of hope, of love, of relationships, of dreams, of a future.
Is it any wonder that depression and suicide continue to increase?
Is it any wonder that addictions consume so many lives?
God inspires the author to write his honest confessions.
He wants us to see what life is really like without Him.
Good or bad, death is our common destiny… unless God steps in.
And God has stepped in, through Jesus, and opened a new way to hope.
All share a common hope – the righteous and the wicked: Jesus!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help us a Your followers do a better job of showing and sharing our hope in You. People are experiencing the emptiness of life with God, they are ready for hope!

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