God the center!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Ecclesiastes 7-8
“Whoever fears God will avoid all extremes.” (Ecclesiastes 7:18)
The author of this book attempted to find happiness in things.
He gave himself over to alcohol, sex, and money, and was disappointed.
He tried to become a fanatic for righteousness and for wisdom.
But no matter what he pursued, he could not find what his soul longed for.
Some people might say that we should also avoid extremes with God.
But this is not what the author is saying: he bases this on the fear of God.
When God is our extreme focus and devotion, we won’t seek lesser ‘gods’.
God is not an ‘extreme’, God is the heart and foundation of everything.
God is the center, the extremes are everything else.
When we seek things other than God, they take over, and ruin our lives.
Jesus is using today’s passage to help us evaluate our lives.
What are we pursuing, what ‘extreme’ are we trying to find happiness in?
A life centered in God can enjoy everything else appropriately.
A life centered on anything else will not find joy, but only disappointment.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to understand what it means to center my life in God. Help me to see Your life as the way to do this, and help me to follow Your way!

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