the wise way to live

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 1, Psalm 2
The way of the Lord – what Jesus teaches, what Jesus practices – is not just a religion, it is a way of life. The best way of life. It is wisdom, and it can stand up to the tests and challenges of life. Psalm 1 describes the wisdom of living the Lord’s way, as well as the folly of refusing to. And Psalm 2 shows what ultimately comes to those who refuse Him.

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” [Matthew 7:24-27] Though Jesus uses a different analogy than Psalm 1 (a house on a rock, a tree by a river), the point is the same.

While it is true that we have a choice whether to listen to the Lord or not, in fact there really is no other option worth considering. Its like saying I have a choice to put my hand on the hot stove; while technically true, the option is not even worth considering. Why would we, its stupid. Exactly!

This is the point of Psalm 1 and 2, and of Jesus words. While technically you can choose not to follow the Lord, and reject Him as Lord, its not a choice worth considering. It is folly. It leads to misery, hardship, disappointment, and ultimately death.

Practically speaking, how do I strengthen myself in doing what the Lord says. Do I actually take the time to meditate on His words? Do I look for personal, practical ways to implement His teaching? Do I daily surrender myself to Him and His will, and take steps to follow through? The Lord is looking for more than words. Drawing up a blueprint for a house on the rock is not enough, you’ve got to start building.

The results are guaranteed. Build your life on the Lord and His way, and your life will move towards health and success; refuse the Lord and go your own way, and your life will move towards misery and death. Guaranteed. Who in their right mind would choose this option?

Lord, help me to get beyond SAYING that I will follow You. Thank You for leading me to this path of life, this way of blessing. I submit to You!

One Comment

  1. Choose life. Blessed is the man who is planted by the river – to be planted in Him Who gives life and life eternal. He seeks his counsel from the Lord. There are two ways to live, but Christ Jesus tells all that He is the Way. Choose Him!. Those who choose Death are those who rebel against the Lord. Yet the Lord warns them. Do this and live!

    Help me from day to day to rejoice and be glad, showing all those around me I am walking in Your Sonshine, Your Way, as I continue my journey to live with You forever, in Jesus’ name.

    “Follow Me,” the Master said;
    We will follow Jesus:
    By His Word and Spirit led,
    We will follow Jesus.
    Still for us He lives to plead,
    At the throne doth intercede,
    Offers help in time of need:
    We will follow Jesus.

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