THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 6:27-31
“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31)
Jesus taps into our natural desire to be treated well.
We want people to be fair to us, and to help us if we need it.
We do not want them to look down on us, or to shame us.
But are we so quick to treat others this way?
Sin has a way of distorting our actions in our own favour.
We want to be treated fairly, but somehow forget to do this to others.
Jesus is urging us to put ourselves in their shoes.
If that were me, how would I want them to treat me.
Be careful, even how we do this can be selfishly twisted.
‘I wouldn’t be proud like that, I wouldn’t spend like that…’
But respect looks for the whole story and doesn’t assume we know better.
If we experienced ALL that they had, would we have acted differently?
Jesus is challenging me to love people deeply, not judge them.
Love them with the same depth and intensity that we want to be loved!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I sense You challenging my shallow love. Deepen how I think, how I respond, how I act toward others, that I may more and more reflect Your love!
The summary of the law is love – Love God. Love neighbour.
To listen means to do.
I know the Word. I just need to do it.
Grace has made me whole
and capable to be the hands of Christ.
Love in action.
Knowing – Loving – Doing – a never ending circle.
No beginning. No end. Unbroken. Just do.
Be as Christ unto them.
Love love love love
The gospel in one word is love
Love your neighbor as your brother
Love love love