What keeps me awake praying?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 6:12-16
“Jesus spent the night praying to God.” (Luke 6:12)
When is the last time you spent a long time praying for something.
Was it a big decision or major crisis that led you to pray like this?
Jesus is on a mission from God, and He is picking His successors.
This was a very important decision for His mission.
I’m convinced He didn’t just get a list of names from God.
He wrestled it through with God, He prayed through each candidate.
He knew how they would struggle, suffer and die for joining Him.
The key thing I want to highlight is how seriously He took His mission.
Are we as eager and active in pursuing our kingdom purpose?
Is it the things of God or the things of ME that keep me awake praying?
Following Jesus is a mission, a calling, not a key to get what I want.
Our calling is also very serious, God has a lot invested in us, for us!
Maybe you’re not sure what your mission is, what God wants you to do.
Is THIS the first thing we should spend a long time praying about?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I have not wrestled in prayer like this for my kingdom mission. Help me to see that my calling is as serious, and as dependent on God for help!

One Comment

  1. Jesus called and chose His disciples after spending the night in prayer regarding the choices. They were called by God?
    What about my calling?
    The disciples were ordinary people called for an assignment. They were called not for what they were but what they would do – called to serve. The Lord takes ordinary people and uses them for His kingdom service. Do I allow Him to use me as He seems fit?

    From the dust of the earth
    My God created man
    His breath gave man a living soul
    For God so loved this world
    That He gave His only Son
    And that is why I love Him so

    For I was made in His likeness
    Created in His image
    For I was born to serve the Lord
    And I can’t deny Him
    And I will always walk beside Him
    For I was born to serve the Lord

    Yes, my hands were made
    to help my neighbor
    My eyes were made
    To read God’s word
    My feet were made
    to walk in His footsteps
    My body is the temple of the Lord

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