The shock of grace

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 5:27-32
“I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5:32)
The problem in this passage is that tax collectors were bad people.
They were Jews who collected taxes from their own people for the Romans.
So long as they paid Rome, they could collect as much as they wanted.
They were traitors and as thieves, taking advantage of their own people.
To feel the problem, think of someone that has robbed or hurt you.
Or how about drug dealers whoe live off the suffering of the addicted.
Con artists who take advantage of seniors and rob them of their savings.
Jesus chooses one of these to be His followers.
In addition, He attends a party with a whole gang of them.
To feel the shock of grace, we need to feel the shock of sin.
Jesus is not affirming their sin, but He is trying to change them.
They are sick, and they need help; they need a heart-change.
As a Jesus follower, is this how I look at ‘sinners’ – in need of help?
Do I judge or look down on them… or do I seek them out to help them?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I will admit that I would have a hard time loving those who hurt me. Which only makes Your love amazing, because we have all hurt You, and yet You love us.

One Comment

  1. today’s reading reminds me of the days when the church I attended was across from the rescue mission. Sometimes these men would enter the church, smelly, dirty clothes, bad breathe. And the people always made room for them – we slid over and gave them ample room. Don’t sit on my bench was our deepest concern.
    What an opportune time for ministry.
    Those well do not go or need a doctor but the sick do. Jesus came for people like these and associated with them. And we/I need to do the same – associate with those in need and be a helping hand. Share the love of Christ with all.

    (1) Out in the high-ways and by-ways of life,
    Many are weary amd sad;
    Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife,
    Making the sorrowing glad.

    Make me a blessing, Make me a blessing —
    Out of my life May Jesus shine;
    Make me a blessing, O Savior, I pray,
    Make me a blessing to someone today.

    (2) Tell the sweet story of Christ and His love,
    Tell of His power to forgive;
    Others will trust Him if only you prove
    True, every moment you live.

    (3) Give as ’twas given to you in your need,
    Love as the Master loved you;
    Be to the helpless a helper indeed,
    Unto your mission be true.

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