I just don’t get these laws!!!

SCRIPTURE: Leviticus 14
1. OK, I admit it, I am getting tired of these readings. What an elaborate system of dealing with the disease, and of getting clean. I get that the disease were dangerous, but so much ritual and sacrifice to be declared clean – with guilt offerings, sin offerings, burnt and grain offerings.

2. Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cured of his leprosy. Then Jesus said to him, “See that you don’t tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.’ [Matthew 8:3-4] Here Jesus goes beyond the role of priest (who could only check to see if the person was healed), and actually heals. Jesus touches the leper, and becomes unclean. Yet both become clean.

3. Jesus tells the man to go through the elaborate “cleansing” ceremony described here – as a testimony that he is in fact healed. Though it was a tedious process, I’m sure he didn’t mind, being healed afterall.

4. The purification process for mildew makes more sense to me, though the offerings still seem to go overboard. Just an opinion. I suppose God had His reasons, and one day I will understand.

5. I like the image of the live bird being set free, after being anointed in the blood of the dead bird. Free to fly in the open fields! This is a great picture of the freedom that we have in Christ.

6. No specific application comes to mind , except maybe a huge ‘thank You’ to God that we no longer have to follow these practices, that Jesus has fulfilled these old testament laws. Thank You God, thank You Jesus!

Lord, I know that there were reasons for these strange (to me) laws. But even here, I honour Your wisdom over mine!

One Comment

  1. Do this and live. The leprosy was there because the people did not do as the Lord commanded. That sin affected not only the person but also his his whole household. Therefore, the sin must be removed and yet by God’s grace, the sinner may be restored as a member of the family. Although this grace is free to all who believe, it requires ‘work’ to walk in the right way by making right choices. Obedience requires choice and the right choice is living the right way -God’s way. And the redeemed must live in the freedom of the new life – free from the leprosy – the sin which enslaved and separsted us from His people. All sinners could be redeemed. Christ’s blood is for all. Once redeemed, one must live as redeemed by His blood a new way, that Christ is the head of the house. As for me and my family, we will serve the living God. Do this and live . . . forever.

    I will call upon the Lord, (I will call upon the Lord,)
    Who is worthy to be praised, (Who is worthy to be praised)
    So shall I be saved from mine enemies (So shall I be saved from mine enemies).

    The Lord liveth, and blessed be the rock!
    And may the God of my salvation be exalted!
    The Lord liveth, and blessed be the rock!
    And may the God of my salvation be exalted!

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