No place to hide!

“I long to dwell in your tent forever!” (Psalm 61:4)
What would it be like to always feel God’s presence?
It depends in large part on what we’re doing/.
For example, being close to a police officer can be good or bad.
Good if you’re facing trouble and need help.
Not good if you’re making trouble, and don’t want to get caught.
Do we want to be close to God when we’re gossiping or lying?
Do we want to feel God with us when we’re giving in to temptation?
David is in trouble, and desperately wishes that he was always with God.
If we were with God always, maybe we could resist sin better.
We were made to live in and enjoy God’s presence always.
It is our sin that leads us to try to hide, like Adam and Eve.
Jesus is God with us, coming to us in our sin to help us.
He offers to be with us always, through the Spirit, until His return.
Do I long to be in His presence forever, or do I prefer to hide?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, the reality is, there is no place to hide. Thank You for looking for me, coming to me, and staying with me, whether I feel it or like it… or not.

One Comment

  1. David’s relationship to the lord involves crying, praying, calling, leading for he longs to dwell in His presence forever. He realizes that the Lord has blessed him and he sings the praises of His name. He desires God to be glorified.
    I too desire to live in His presence and to glorify my God. Each day anew the joy of the Lord God is my strength and I sing a song of praise. My heart’s desire is to live for Jesus in all I do and say. Jesus keep me near the cross.

    Jesus, keep me near the cross,
    There a precious fountain—
    Free to all, a healing stream—
    Flows from Calv’ry’s mountain.
    In the cross, in the cross,
    Be my glory ever;
    Till my raptured soul shall find
    Rest beyond the river.
    Near the cross, a trembling soul,
    Love and Mercy found me;
    There the bright and morning star
    Sheds its beams around me.

    Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
    Bring its scenes before me;
    Help me walk from day to day,
    With its shadows o’er me.

    Near the cross I’ll watch and wait
    Hoping, trusting ever,
    Till I reach the golden strand,
    Just beyond the river.

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