Am I listening?

THE STORY OF JESUS: 2 Chronicles 33-36
“The Lord sent word through his messengers again and again.” (2 Chronicles 36:15)
Can any of the kings here have said, ‘I didn’t know!’?
Was God’s judgment against them and the land unexpected?
Its not that God didn’t send warnings.
And its not that they didn’t see the evidence in the lives of the previous kings.
The Lord is not silent, we can hear His wisdom and warnings every day.
The bible is one obvious way, but also through others, and also through experience.
But as in Josiah’s day, our bibles remain out of sight, unopened, ignored.
There are many who warn us (prophets), but they are also ignored, even mocked.
“They despised his words and scoffed at his prophets.” (2 Chronicles 36:16)
The real question for me is, ‘am I listening to the Lord’s messengers?’
Where and when is the Lord trying to get MY attention, but I not listening?
As I read these words today, is the Lord trying to guide or warn me?
I believe that the Lord speaks through scripture, as well as through others.
But am I listening?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I may be critical of these kings for ignoring Your Voice… but am I doing any better? Help me to respond to Your Voice, and to act on what I hear!

One Comment

  1. Which voice do I follow?
    The Lord God had told His people – This is the Way to live. Listen to me. Just do.
    However, as we read in today’s reading, the various kings went their own way. And as the leader goes, so go the people.
    Thank You Lord that You send Light through leaders to return Your people back to serve You.
    We need to follow the Lord.
    Read His Word.
    Follow His Way.
    Listen to the voice saying,
    “This is the way; walk in it.’

    Read your Bible, pray everyday
    Pray everyday, pray everyday
    Read your Bible, pray everyday
    And you’ll grow, grow, grow (3 x)
    Read your Bible, pray everyday
    And you’ll grow, grow, grow

    Neglect your Bible, forget to pray
    Forget to pray, forget to pray
    Neglect your Bible, forget to pray
    And you’ll shrink, shrink, shrink (3 x)
    Neglect your Bible, forget to pray
    And you’ll shrink, shrink, shrink

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