The sin of pride!

THE STORY OF JESUS: 2 Chronicles 25-28
“After Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall.” (2 Chronicles 26:16)
Have you known of Christian leaders whose success went to their heads?
One that I know very well – myself – has struggled with this.
But before you look down on me, its probably true for yo as well.
We all tend to be deceived by our abilities and accomplishments.
I’ve seen God work through me as I’ve served with the church.
At first I was so aware of my inadequacy and need for God.
But with success, I gained confidence but lost my sense of dependence.
I did things expecting good results, without relying on the Lord.
There are many areas of life where we all do this.
Pride goes before the fall; it did in Genesis 3, and it does in my life.
Satan encourages it, getting me to look away from God to my own self.
But Jesus models true humanity, true humility, true submission to God.
Though “being in very nature God… He made himself nothing” (Philippians 2:6-7).
Today I am reminded of the sin of pride, and the call to be like Jesus – not Uzziah.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, as I begin this new ministry, I sense my weakness and dependence. May I not forget this. I pray for success in Your kingdom, but not for me, for You! May it not go to my head!

One Comment

  1. The king did what right in the eyes of the Lord and I must do the same – wholeheartedly. The Lord my God is my Helper and I need to listen to His Word for my life. He has the power and I need to place my life in His hand. That’s comfort as He leads and guides. Not my will but His will be done this day. This is the only way to live – seeking the Lord daily, in all areas of life.

    Whole-hearted thanksgiving to Thee I will bring
    In praise of Thy marvelous deeds I will sing;
    In Thee I will joy and exultingly cry,
    Thy name I will praise, O Jehovah, Most High.


    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear His voice!
    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice!
    O come to Jehovah, declare ye His fame,
    And give Him all honor, for just is His name.

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