the leviticus challenge

Living Levitically

As we read through Leviticus, think about symbolic ways that you can act out or apply the lessons and principles behind the text. For example (based on Leviticus 1):

  • Instead of offering a sacrifice for our sins – Jesus did that for us already – lay your sins symbolically in fire by writing them out on a sheet, and burning it.
  • Every time you are convicted by the Lord of sin, symbolically slit your throat with your finger, then thank Jesus for His subsitutionary sacrifice. This may seem morbid, but this is how serious sin is (Romans 6:23).
  • Think of the very best of something that you own, and think about what it would be to sacrifice that to the Lord. Your best investment? Your best china? Your best suit? Your best dress?

Here are some readings to help you work through Leviticus:

Reading Leviticus

“Blogging the Bible: Leviticus” or “Proof That God Loves Bald Men” [David Plotz]

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