Still lots to discuss today!

“Discussing what “rising from the dead” meant.” (Mark 9:10)
Being with Jesus must have been an inspiring yet confusing time.
Jesus was constantly challenging their ways of thinking about things.
They’d been taught the Torah in Sabbath school, but not how Jesus explained it.
I am encouraged by the fact that the disciples often DIDN’T get it.
The community of disciples today also needs to discuss what we see and hear.
We need to devote ourselves to the apostles teachings about Jesus (Acts 2:42).
There is always more to learn, as well as unlearning some things we got wrong.
Jesus promised His Spirit to continue to teach us (John 16:12) after He was gone.
When we gather, He is present with us, and we learn and discuss with Him there.
I believe that as believers discuss and wrestle together, the Spirit is teaching us.
Unfortunately most church gatherings are monologues, not dialogues.
Preachers ramble on with no time for questions, discussion or insights from others.
I think we need more discussion time, where disciples are actively engaged.
Are you part of any Spirit-led group that discusses Jesus and His message?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help us as a community of disciples to listen, to learn and discuss in love… in way that encourages and equips us all to live as Your disciples.

One Comment

  1. The disciples were discussing what Jesus had said.
    How often do I discuss His Word? How often am I like the religious leaders insisting on my own way? My views not theirs. Closed minded.
    As the disciples discussed among themselves what He meant and even asked Jesus, so too I need to create more opportunities to discuss His Word.
    Bible study groups.
    Discussions on sermons.
    I need to be open minded and open hearted.

    Create in me a clean heart O God.

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