Missing the point?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 8:14-21
“Why are you talking about bread? Do you still not see or understand?” (Mark 8:17)
It seems obvious to me that Jesus is speaking with figurative language here.
Yet for some reason the disciples totally miss the spiritual meaning of Jesus.
I wonder, do we do this too… have we missed the point of Jesus’ words?
Think about the doctrinal debates that have divided the church.
Each one is convinced that they are understanding Jesus correctly.
We separate from each other based on OUR interpretation of Jesus.
Sadly, we do not just separate, we attack and denounce one another.
What good is our doctrine (interpretations of Jesus’ words) if we miss the point?
Paul makes it clear that gracious love is the point of the message.
Our doctrine and theology is useless without gracious love (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).
Satan’s ‘yeast’ of distraction has led us to major on minors.
We fight over how to read the bible, yet miss its call to gracious love.
Even IF we disagree on something, gracious love is still the right response.
I hear Jesus’ warning me today to make sure I am not missing the point!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, even though I spend much of my time interpreting Your words, I wonder whether I am missing the point too. Help me to see what You see, value what You value, and do what You do!

One Comment

  1. Jesus is the Bread of Life.
    Just after the miracle of feeding the thousands the disciples were dependent upon their own powers. They had forgotten the life giving bread of Christ by His Word and Spirit. They became dependent upon themselves once again. They forgot about the ever presence of Jesus Who provides for their every need. As we pray today – Lord give us this day our daily bread – He is our Provider, Sustainer, Life Force.
    Help me daily to focus on what is important. You are my leaven so that I am totally Yours. Keep me away from the wordly leaven that is only self serving.
    Empower me to walk in Your SonShine by the guidance of Your life giving Word and Spirit.

    Guide me, O thou great Redeemer,
    Pilgrim through this barren land;
    I am weak, but thou art mighty;
    Hold me with thy powerful hand:
    Bread of heaven, bread of heaven
    Feed me till I want no more.
    Feed me till I want no more.

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