God directs our evil to good purpose!

THE STORY OF JESUS: 2 Kings 5-8:15
“Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel.” (2 Kings 5:15)
In 2 Kings 5:1 we read that God gave victory to Aram through Naaman.
Aram was not a God-serving nation, the king did not follow the God of Israel.;
And yet God is in charge of the affairs of the world, not just in Israel.
Think about the rulers and nations and world affairs of today – who is in charge?
In these chapters we read about human violence, immorality and cruelty.
If God is in charge, is God responsible for all this evil?
NO!!!! God does not cause evil, but neither does He let evil have the last word.
God allows us our freedom, but He directs the results of our actions to His purpose.
We are responsible for evil in the world, but thanks to God it can only go so far.
God put us in charge, and look at the mess we have made of it.
God doesn’t bypass human responsibility, but He does use it for good.
Ultimately God sends Jesus to set things right, to overcome evil with goodness.
And even though humanity tried to stop Jesus, God directed their evil to good!
Now, as with Naaman, God is giving hope and victory to the world through Jesus!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You have come to make things right again. You are the first human to rule this world properly. I will follow You as my King, and will trust Your leadership to the very end!

One Comment

  1. God moves in mysterious ways His winders to perform.
    How do we see His ways like Naaman did?
    The man of God – God using His servants His wonders to perform. Being in tune with God. He does great and mighty things His wonders to perform.
    Where do we put our trust? Our security is not money, nor power, but only in the Lord Who will restore His creation once again. Christ overcame. He is King.
    My God reigns.
    I must follow Him.

    Our God reigns!
    Our God reigns!
    Our God reigns!
    Our God reigns!

    He had no stately form, He had no majesty
    That we should be drawn to Him.
    He was despised and we took no account of Him.
    Our God reigns, our God reigns!


    It was our sin and guilt that bruised and wounded Him.
    It was our sin that brought Him down.
    When we like sheep had gone astray our Shepherd came
    And on His shoulders bore our shame.


    Meek as a lamb that’s led out to the slaughterhouse,
    Dumb as a sheep before its shearer,
    His life ran down upon the ground like pouring rain
    That we might be born again.


    Out from the tomb He came with grace and majesty;
    He is alive, He is alive.
    God loves us so, see here His hands, His feet, His side
    Yes we know, He is alive.


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