“All by itself” (i.e. God)!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 4:26-29
“All by itself the soil produces grain…” (Mark 4:28)
Jesus is still explaining how things work with God’s kingdom.
It begins from the heart (the soil), where the seed begins to grow.
When the seed (the grace of Jesus) and the soil (the heart) mix, things happen.
“All by itself” points to the fact that spiritual growth is a work of the Spirit.
The farmer does not make the seed grow; she has done her part planting the seed.
We work so hard to grow churches, expand ministries and to make disciples.
But if focus on spreading Jesus message and love, the Spirit will do His work.
For neither plant life nor faith life truly happen “all by itself”…
It is “all by God-self”, He is the one that helps us become who we were made to be!
As Jesus followers, we trust His Spirit to be the power in our witness and work.
This is very encouraging, it takes the pressure off of us to make things happen.
As I serve, as I share, as I care, as I witness, Jesus wins over His own audience.
We do not know HOW God does what we He, we just know that He does.
Our job is to love and serve and share and care, and He will produce the results!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, its not up to me to change the world. Help me to trust the power of Your love, to be gracious and merciful as You are, and trust that “all by itself” it will grow in the world!.

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