Flourish with grace!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 4:21-25
“Whoever has will be given more…” (Mark 4:25)
In this context, Jesus is still talking about the result of God’s message in our lives.
God wants to bring His goodness out into the open through us.
To shine like a light in a dark world, to flourish like a bumper crop in a wasteland.
What we do with God’s message – the goodness it produces – will be our reward.
If we’re stingy with grace, our experience of grace will be small.
If we embrace the message, allow it to shine and grow in us, we receive even more.
If we do not eagerly reproduce God’s goodness, we will lose what little we have.
Open hearts will be opened up even more, and receive more than we can imagine.
Closed hearts well be closed up, and shrivel into nothing at all.
As Jesus followers we are God’s chosen way to restore His kingdom of goodness.
Jesus promises that if we attempt to have fruit, He will increase it even more.
But He also warns that we will lose what little we have, if we do nothing with it.
How we respond to Jesus’ message determines an abundant or empty life.
How we respond to Jesus’ message affects how our world flourishes or flounders.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I want to flourish. May Your goodness shine through me, may my character reveal Your amazing grace to me.

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