A faith that produces a harvest!

“Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed.” (Mark 4:3)
God has a dream for this world, and He is planting the seeds to make it grow.
God’s kingdom dream involves transforming this world through love and mercy.
Jesus starts this revolution Himself, and He gathers others to join with Him.
Some people reject the dream, but many people like it…
That is, until it gets hard or personal or demanding or uncomfortable.
Similarly, many were inspired by Martin Luther King’s dream but did not join in.
Risk, sacrifice, opposition, laziness, selfishness… many pressures hold us back.
What is holding me back from embracing the seed of God’s kingdom dream?
Jesus is calling us to fully engage His message, to let it produce results.
“Other seed fell on good soil, multiplying thirty, sixty, a hundred times.” (Mark 4:8)
As a Jesus follower, I am called to produce a harvest of love in a world of hate!
Salvation is not just being saved from sin, it is being saved for Jesus-like love.
God’s grace WILL produce good fruit, the fruit of the Spirit, if I am “good soil”.
Am I “good soil” that transforms this world with Jesus through love and mercy?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to see that being a Christian is more than being saved. It is about joining You in the kingdom dream, and participating in the kingdom harvest. May my life produce this fruit!

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