Journal Entry #55

“But as for me, I trust in you.” (Psalm 55:23)
This is more like a Journal entry than a song.
David is enduring the bitterness of betrayal, and he is venting with God.
His pen and prayer become his outlet for his inner turmoil.
I have had Journal entries that have had similar raw, emotional venting.
I have never been betrayed like this, but I do share with David his hope in the Lord.
This is what motivates my journaling, I am trusting Him as I express my heart.
Too often we let worry churn in our hearts and minds, but we don’t release them.
They hold power over us when we bottle them in, they overwhelm our hope and joy.
As a Jesus follower, I have the opportunity to take everything to the Lord!
I am feeling compelled to renew my daily journaling (I let it slip the last few weeks).
Express everything that is in my heart – the good, the bad, the ugly.
Give it over to God and trust Him to help me… He will lead me through this.
Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear.
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I cannot control my circumstances, but I can keep them from controlling me. Help me to express my joys and struggles to You, so that You can help me rise up over all that happens in my life!

One Comment

  1. The last verse states it all –
    ‘But I will trust in you.’
    This reminds me of another Psalm which states
    ‘Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.’
    Each day anew I need to walk with my God. While walking, my hand in His I need to talk with my God AND in my talking I need to cast all my burdens on Him for it is in Him I get my strength.
    This is my song.
    This is my renewing power.
    This is my strength to meet the challenges every day.
    He is the wind beneath my wings
    and lifts me up.
    Praise be unto God,
    my Helper,

    Cast your burden upon the Lord,
    and he shall sustain you;
    he never will suffer the righteous to fall:
    he is at your right hand.
    Your mercy, Lord, is great
    and far above the heavens:
    let none by made ashamed
    that wait upon you.

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