Christian Atheists or Atheist Christians?

“The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.'” (Psalm 53:1)
David is overwhelmed by how many people deny and defy God.
Personally I do agree that it is foolish to deny and/or defy God.
But I do not think that every atheist or agnostic is a morally depraved person.
In fact I know atheists/agnostics whose goodness puts Christians to shame.
Some may argue there is no such thing as secular or God-less goodness.
I believe such ‘goodness’ still reflects God’s goodness, and is rooted in God not evil.
This Psalm is not David’s commentary on atheists, but on people who are evil.
(See Psalm 10:2-13 for a description of these kinds of people).
They have no concern for God; they do evil and figure God will not punish them.
To some extent we all exhibit some of this folly.
Don’t think that you are better than others – we all have our sins and imperfections.
But there are wicked sinners and humble sinners, and God can tell the difference.
I’ve met atheists who act like Christians, and Christians who act like atheists.
Only God can sort out in the end who are open to Him, and who are closed.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I know atheists who act like Christians, and Christians who act like atheists. My own heart is divided at times. Help me to be a humble sinner, who knows my need for Your mercy and help.

One Comment

  1. No God – No Peace.
    When God is not a part of one’s life, man does what is right in his own eyes as it was said in the days of Judges. No one does good.
    And God continues to look down on all mankind
    And do I speak with my Father, live this day in His presence, delve into His Word? His hand is over me each day and I must commit this day to Him.

    But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:33-34)

    Seek ye first the kingdom of God
    And His righteousness;
    And all these things shall be added unto you.
    Hallelu, Hallelujah!
    Ask, and it shall be given unto you;
    Seek, and you shall find.
    Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
    Hallelu, Hallelujah!
    Man shall not live by bread alone,
    But by every word
    That proceeds out from the mouth of God.
    Hallelu, Hallelujah!

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