The best kind of ‘Rich’!

“They will take nothing with them when they die!” (Psalm 49:17)
As a Jesus follower, the Lord speaks to me as I read the bible.
Today’s reading is about the emptiness of wealth and possessions.
I sense the Lord challenging me about what I am focused on.
I am financially secure, and I am a frugal spender!
But the issue is not how much I have, or how I spend… but where my trust lies.
“This is the fate of those who trust in themselves.” (Psalm 49:13)
If I am really honest, do I trust my secure finances more than God?
Am I content because I have stuff and money; would I feel secure if I lost it?
“Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” (Luke 12:15)
We are purging in preparation for a move; dumping stuff I thought I needed.
The Lord is poking into my heart, ‘do you really trust me more than your stuff?’
None of my stuff will matter when I stand before the Lord… so what will matter?
Are not treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:20) the people I have loved and blessed?
As a Jesus follower, am I pursuing what really matters?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, money and stuff have always been available to me, so I can’t say for sure where my trust lies. I’m not asking for poverty but for wisdom, contentment and love overflowing.

One Comment

  1. Our world belongs to God.
    All is His and so am I.
    Today God Is First and I need to live that.
    ThanksLiving. ThanksGiving.
    Today and every day is the Lord’s Day
    and I need to live this day
    as a sacrifice of praise.
    From the rising of the sun until it sets
    I must serve Him in all I say and do.
    Loving Him = knowing Him = serving Him
    All what I have is His
    and I must use those gifts to His praise.
    His gifts for Kingdom service.
    My cheque book shows where my heart;s desire is.
    Serve Him.
    Bring sacrifices of praise.
    My life must show that I am His
    and He is mine
    and His banner over me is love.

    We bring the sacrifice of praise
    Into the house of the Lord.
    We bring the sacrifice of praise
    Into the house of the Lord.

    And we offer up to You
    The sacrifices of thanksgiving;
    And we offer up to You
    The sacrifices of joy.

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