Join the centurion!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 27:54-56
“Surely he was the Son of God!” (Matthew 27:56)
There is something remarkable about Jesus, in life and in death.
Why were so many people impacted by this nobody from Nazareth?
Why did He agitate those in power, and inspire those in poverty?
How did He generate a world-changing movement, considering He died such an ignoble death?
Even Roman guards sensed the supernatural qualities of His life and death.
We need to pay close attention to Jesus, to how He lived and how He died.
I am convinced that Jesus stands apart from every other human that ever lived.
As a Jesus follower, my loyalty is to Jesus first, and only secondarily the church.
If you focus on the church, you will see weakness, failure, hypocrisy, sin.
But the church is NOT the hope of the world, Jesus is, and He is worth knowing.
Don’t let bad experiences with christians hinder you from appreciating Jesus.
Take your eyes away from the religious people at the foot of the cross… look at Jesus!
If we knew the real Jesus, not just the stained glass ‘churchified’ view of Jesus.
If we were impacted by His love, His grace, and His truth, we would join the centurion!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, when I think about You, about how You lived and how You died, I cannot help but declare, truly You are the Son of God!

One Comment

  1. This passage highlites two thoughts for me.

    After the earthquake, the darkness, tombs opened, dead people walking around, etc, the proclamation of the centurion. This also reminds me of Thomas’ proclamation of ‘My Lord and My God.’ Those are the words I too need to proclaim.

    The women watched from a distance. They had followed Jesus everywhere, caring for Him. They were it seems always in His presence looking after His needs – cooking? – washing clothes? – obtaining water? – obtaining daily food? Serving Jesus. nd that is what I too need to do – be a servant true. With no fanfare. Just doing because that’s my calling. The women’s role, just like mine, is an essential role as a Christ follower – ministering to the needs around us wherever we are.

    My Jesus, My Saviour,
    Lord there is no one like you,
    All of my days, I want to praise
    The wonders of Your mighty love.
    My comfort, my shelter,
    Tower of refuge and strength
    Let every breath, all that I am
    Never cease to worship You.
    Shout to the Lord, all the earth let us sing,
    Power and majesty, praise to the King!
    Mountains bow down and the seas will roar,
    At the sound of your name!
    I sing for joy at the work of your hands,
    Forever I’ll love you, forever I’ll stand
    Nothing compares to the promise I have in You.
    Repeat verse
    My Jesus, my Saviour,
    Lord, there is none like You
    All of my days, I want to praise,
    The wonders of your mighty love
    My comfort, my shelter,
    Tower of refuge and strength
    Let every breath, all that I am
    Never cease to worship You

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