Do I want to know Jesus like this?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 27:32-37
“A man from Cyrene named Simon, and they forced him to carry the cross” (Matthew 27:32)
I want to be a servant of Jesus, my King.
But do I want to join Him if it means helping Him carry His cross?
Jesus called His disciples to join him in cross-carrying (Matthew 16:24).
For Simon this was literal, and tradition says it was for Peter too, but what about for us?
For Paul, knowing Jesus is more than enjoying the victory of the resurrection.
It also involves sharing in His suffering and death, which leads to resurrection (Philippians 3:10).
We do not save people by our sacrifice, but we point them to Jesus Who did save them!
Do I want to know Jesus like this?
To follow Jesus is more than accepting salvation, it is to join Him in His mission for others.
I have been rescued from a burning building, will I now join with Jesus in rescuing others?
It was Jesus’ willingness to sacrifice Himself that led to His victory over Satan.
This is the King who calls me and invites me to love and serve Him, to join Him in His mission.
But this means sacrifice, giving up my own comfort, time and hope and dreams…
Do I want to know Jesus like this?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to focus on You, and the people You love, rather than on me and on what I love. I want to know You better!

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