The sound of a new day!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 26:31-35
“This very night you will all fall away on account of me.” (Matthew 26:31)
This passage makes me think of songs that we often sing as Christians.
‘I Surrender All’, ‘Stand up, Stand up for Jesus’, ‘Blessed be Your Name’.
Peter sings a version of ‘I have decided to follow Jesus, though none go with me, still I will follow’.
“Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.” (v.33)
But I can’t be critical, if I were in Peter’s shoes, would I have spoken any differently?
My faith in Jesus has been easy compared to what others have had to endure.
It’s easy to sing my loyalty, but much harder to act it out under pressure.
The same is true for my preaching; it’s safe to be bold in church… am I as bold in life?
As Jesus followers we need to be honest about our faith.
Jesus is not surprised when I fall away; it makes Him sad but it does not turn Him against us.
In fact, He promises to go ahead of us, and wait for us (v.32).
The rooster crows at the start of each day, reminding me He knows my weakness from yesterday.
But it also announces a new day, that Jesus is waiting for me to stand with Him again.
The rooster crows humility for the boastful, but it crows hope for the humble!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I deny You too. Everyday, often in little ways, sometimes in big ways. Thank You that Your mercies are new every morning. I hear Your invitation to stand with You again today, despite past failures.

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