Looking me in the eyes!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 26:17-30
“This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26:28)
In a blood covenant, a person uses their own blood guarantee their promise and commitment.
In the Jewish Passover, a lamb was killed and its blood painted on the door post.
Because of the blood, the angel of death passed over these homes, already seeing the symbol of death.
Jesus uses the bread and wine, part of the Passover celebration, to symbolize His own death.
Because of His death, the judgment of death “passes over” us, since we are forgiven.
One thing that jumps out at me here is Jesus’ amazing kindness despite betrayal and rejection.
Jesus looks each one in the eye, and even says that He knows one of them will betray Him.
But He still invites them to eat with Him; He still wants to be in covenant with them.
He even washes their feet like a servant to show them how much He loves them (John 13:1ff).
Jesus knows how I betray Him, but He still ‘pays the price’ to be in relationship with me.
Imagine Jesus looking into your heart, into your life, into you eyes… He sees and knows it all!
Hear Him say, ‘Yes, I know, you will betray me…’
‘But still I invite you to eat with me, for my blood is poured out for the forgiveness of your sins!’
Even now Jesus is looking me in the eyes with knowing, forgiving love; how will I respond?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I see You looking at me with love in Your eyes, and gently penetrating my heart… May I not resist Your love like Judas did.

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