Jesus is my strength and hope!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Judges 13-16
“I have been a Nazirite dedicated to God from my mother’s womb.” (Judges 16:17)
According to Numbers 6:1-21, a ‘nazirite’ was someone devoted (nazir) to God (like a monk or nun).
They showed their dedication by not cutting their hair, not drinking wine and not touching dead bodies.
God chose Samson to be His devoted servant and leader, but he was a loose cannon.
Inflamed by selfish pride, rage and lust, he was no model of God-likeness or integrity.
As a Jesus-follower, I am devoted to following Jesus in serving God in the world.
Samson’s story teaches me that God can use even me – despite my sins – for His purpose.
But it also shows me that there are consequences for giving in to my sinful desires.
Samson became so self-confident that he started to think he was unstoppable.
Sadly many Christian make this same mistake, living recklessly and assuming God will protect them.
Jesus reveals what perfect devotion to God looks like – in contrast to Samson, and myself.
God used Samson – and uses me – to help His kingdom purpose advance.
But our confidence cannot be in our own strength or ability; we are flawed, and we will fail.
Our confidence can only be in Jesus, the perfect Nazirite who beat Satan and was not beaten by Satan.
I am a Jesus-follower dedicated to God… but it is His strength, not mine, that is my real hope.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I can relate to the flaws and folly of Samson. Thank You for stepping in to be the perfect Leader on my behalf, and beating Satan for me. You are my strength and hope!

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