Shine in and through me!

“For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.” (Psalm 36:9)
Most people have a tough time seeing themselves realistically, in a proper light.
In the end, my view of myself – whether positive or negative – is not what counts.
What matters is how I will appear when I stand in God’s light.
In Psalm 36 David challenges those who “flatter themselves too much to detect or hate their sin.” (v.2)
He points to the glory of God (vv.2-9), describing Him as the true light by which we see.
I can see myself as more loving than another person, but how about in comparison to God?
Jesus reveals the character of God, and we are to consider ourselves in His light.
“In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.” (John 1:4)
The life and light of Jesus exposes us (John 3:20), but it also cleanses and renews us.
Jesus did not come to condemn us, but to restore us to light and life.
As contrary as it seems, it is necessary for His light to expose my heart so that I can shine.
Yes, He will reveal, pride, greed, apathy, lust, anger, selfishness… but He will also provide hope.
If we open ourselves to His light, He will start to shine love, joy, peace, etc. in us.
He is the light of the world, but we can be too, if we let Him shine through us!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to love the light, so that I will come into the light with hope that my deeds will not only be exposed, but replaced with Your life and light!

One Comment

  1. Two thoughts crossed my mind as I read this psalm.
    ‘There is no fear of God before their eyes” which reminds me of the days of Judges when man did what was right in his own eyes. Man thought he was a law unto himself. King of his own castle. Having all his own way. A man full of himself. A man who thinks the world rotates about himself. And we find so much of this wherever we look in the world today locally and globally.

    In your light we see light. In order to see, really see, we must see the world in His Light. All too often we create our own lights by which we stumble and fall for we can’t see. It is in His Light we see the obstacles, barricades, sink holes, etc or life and we can maneuver around the obstacles so that we will not stumble or fall for in the shadow of His wings we rise – He is the wind for our wings, lifting us higher and higher.

    And His Light can’t be put under a bushel basket and be hid but is like the city built upon a hill giving light so all may see and not stumble and fall.

    Help me Lord to also be that light radiating Your Light in all I do and say.

    VERSE 1:
    Blessed are the poor
    for the kingdom is yours
    Blessed when you mourn, there’s comfort in His arms
    Blessed are the meek with the world at your feet
    Blessed when it’s righteousness that you seek
    It’s beautiful

    Like a city on a hill
    Lighting up the night
    For the glory of the Lord
    Rise and shine
    We will…

    Light of the world
    we can’t hide it
    This beautiful light it
    For all of the world
    To believe we can be
    A city on a hill

    VERSE 2:
    Blessed when you’re merciful, you’ll find grace
    Blessed are the pure, you’ll see the face of God
    Blessed are you making peace on earth
    Blessed when you follow, even when it hurts
    It’s beautiful

    Like a city on a hill
    Lighting up the night
    For the glory of the Lord
    Rise and shine
    We will…

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